Thursday 27 April 2017

Free Unlimited Traffic - 6 Solid Reasons Why Your Blog Need QUALITY BackLinks -From Quality Sources

Free Unlimited Traffic - 6 Solid Reasons Why Your Blog Need QUALITY BackLinks -From Quality Sources

Owning a Blog or website is more than choosing a domain name, buying domain name, registering for hosting plans, hiring designer to design a stunning website for you and putting up a few content on the website and sharing the stuff on social medial. For someone like me, the only tale I was made to belief is that whenever you get your website built up the struggle is over, in fact, they simplify the process to the level that after creating my first Blog I will be able to make $1,000 per month on average. This was my aim that everything is ready made in Blogging world.

Lo and behold, the journey to Blogging success does not end while you click publish. One of the next-big-issue after setting up a Blog is the need to get ranked, (though achieving good ranking is very simple if one know the principle behind it). From different research works, seminars, training and observation from top Bloggers and web masters before anything (after setting up your Blog or website -with few content in it), the most important thing is "how can I get my website ranked?". However, getting rankedin Google and other search engines to some people is a thing of 'not necessary', while to some people it a thing of 'MUST'. Out of the two set of people we cannot judge who loose most, but at the end this post will show us.

Can I describe what ranking looks like for you? Ranking is like getting your stuff at the best place where those who need it will easily need it, its just like situating what you are selling or offer in an area of millions of people who has full personal interest in the item. Also, like the illustration from the 'good book', getting good ranking is like sitting your house on the rock which can never be hidden. On the opposite side, not bothering to rank your website is like having your SHOP or ware house inside Thick Amazon forest and expect people will sort for you or what you have to offer, that’s unfortunate, no one will do a such. From these illustration ranking is one of the most important factor of Blogging.
Let go straight to the issue for today, in this post we shall be discussing reasons why you must get ranked by all cost.

·        Massive or Unlimited Traffic at No-Cost: in some times past, I came across a data showing hundreds of thousands of dollars spent by a firm(which I deliberately not want to mention here) on SEO task and BackLinks outsourcing. Why are they spending such a huge amount? I know you will ask, so also was my reply that day. After sometime when I realize the importance of Ranking in search engine and not even Google alone. Ranking in Google gives the largest exposure, there is. Ranking in Google exposes you to the greatest audience and client all over the world. How does this happen?
Whenever your chosen keyword or keywords are search for (in search engine), your page which contains the same keywords as the search one will surface in the top result. For instance, if surfers are  for 'SEO Tips For Getting Ranked In Google', take this as one of your keywords’ and you have created 'all conditions necessary' for its ranking, your page will be the first to appear on the search result. Fortunately, if your keywords has a huge weekly or monthly search volume this means you will receive a multitude of web traffic on daily basis.

·        To Get Unlimited Sales And Subscribers: not to talk of other search engines, on Google alone there are over .... Searches per seconds and about over a Trillion search per day. What a huge visitor! Getting ranked with your keywords means you have the opportunity to reach unlimited web visitors daily, free of charge. And directly or indirectly it means you will be welcoming a myriad of sign-ups, subscribers to your newsletter and much more.

·        Sales Boost Up To 2000% : while thinking on getting more sales or you want to go from no sales to sales explosion, the best favors you can do yourself is to increase your page rankinglegitimately. This is because, taking a look at the statistics mentioned in this post earlier, getting your page rank ultimately means exposing your business or brand to Voluminous audience.

How will it increase sales?
According to a number of reliable research we were made to know that for every one hundred customers you engage, yours is only one. Owning to this, whenever you meet one thousands prospective customers you have the opportunity to ten certified customers. And image a situation whereby you engage your offer with over a hundred thousand buyers, you get chances of meeting a large numbers of would be buyers.

  • Competitors Do So: its not a new saying that, 'life is a race' also I know you are aware of the popular quote that 'life is a place of survival of fittest', what does this means (in relation to SEO BackLinks and Ranking), whether you belief it or not, your competitors are ready to go any length so as to knock you out of the race (or out of business), that is why you will always hear that one bigger company has just acquire the up-coming so, so company in this amount, they are doing this just to gain more ground and enjoy more autonomy over their competitors. What’s more than this also happens in 'web world', its just that its takes less fierce dimensions. People with same keywords or similar domain are the Solid rival awaiting you. Most of this seo-peer hire 'heavy' SEO masters so as to build high quality for them so as to get your page knock down the Google ranking. 
Going by this fact, getting a quality and trusted BackLinks should be an issue you will take more personal than any other thing.

  • Long Term Blog Success: the sole aim of Blogging is to achieve success, Right? But for someone like myself, I rather prefer long-term success. That is, been successful in my Blogging career for infinitive period of time. Getting this happening is possible when you create or outsource (only) quality BackLinks to your website, this will ensure that your Blog get ranked and maintain the nice position in Google.

  • To Gain More Leads: there is money in list as they rightly says. For anyone to profit in online business one and the first rule is that 'get leads'. As we've rightly said, ranking your website or Blog give you the most desirable positioning of getting large volume of web visitors, and through this, more leads will be captured, so that more sales, promotion, awareness and advertisement will be made for the rest of your blog's life.

Conclusion, my take about ranking and Quality BackLink building is that, getting it done from a reliable and legitimate means is very important, as far as blogging career is concerned. if not for other reasons but for the sake of competition (its not new if if we say the world itself is a stage for competition) and for traffic (which is the mother of ALL other blog benefits), therefore getting Premium, Elevating and Quality BackLinks is what worth going for, at ALL cost. 
Till we meet in the next post, bye.

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